Original sin and the necessity of the redemption of humanity


God has not only created the universe that we can see, but also spiritual beings who, unlike us humans, have been allowed to be with God from the beginning of time. We call them angels.

Since God is perfect love, he has not only given freedom to the universe and to us humans as part of creation, but also to the angels. These spiritual beings, who are not subject to material and human limitations, knew and know about this freedom.

Perfect freedom means not being confined in any way by God out of love. This freedom thereby includes the possibility of being able to return love given by God to the Almighty. But it also includes the possibility of not returning this love of one's own free will. The angel Lucifer used this freedom not to return God’s love or to serve him, but to seek independent ways that differed from God‘s ways. This step gave him power. Through this, Lucifer became Satan, who had irreversibly turned away from God. Since God Himself is unchangeable in love and faithfulness, He will never limit or take back the gift of freedom granted by Him out of love, not even towards Lucifer. Lucifer knew this. He thereby had "fool's liberty". Thus, God's unchanging love and faithfulness is the reason why God, despite his omnipotence, does not limit Satans power. God‘s perfect love limits the possibilities of his omnipotence.  
But just as God has set a framework within which creation and man can develop in freedom, so  too Satan can only abuse this freedom within the framework that God, out of his omnipotence, has given to the angels.


Lucifer knew about the development of the world and that we humans would emerge from this development. He also knew that God wanted to give us his love and that we would be born in freedom. We humans thereby had the same potential as he did, to be able to decide either for God or against God and thus for Lucifer. 

Humanitys potential to decide was open to manipulation by Lucifer. While God bound himself through his love and subordinated his omnipotence to love, Lucifer was not bound by anything. God does not restrict anyone's freedom through his love, not even Lucifer. Lucifer was therefore able to abuse his freedom. A central abuse of freedom consists in interfering with and not respecting our human freedom, as God does. Lucifer is able to unleash an incredible suggestive power which directs us towards evil, egoism, unkindness, abuse of power, injustice, violence and hatred. God, on the other hand, does not unleash his loving power without being asked. In order for him to work in our lives, he needs our consent, because without our consent his work and the implementation of his providence would be an arbitrary interference in our freedom. God does not do that, only Lucifer does that. 


God knew what would happen next.
He knew that Lucifer would use his freedom to manipulate us with the aim of withdrawing us from God's love and binding us to himself, Satan. As a result, we humans would never have known about God and His offer of love to us. We would not have been able to decide: not for God, but also not against God. We would have been deprived of our freedom of choice under Satan. Through this lack of any freedom to be able to decide for or against God's love, heaven was closed to us humans by Satan.

However, God had created human beings with the aim that we should be allowed to approach his love as beings capable of love. In order not to violate the freedom he had granted either to Satan or to human beings, God conceived a way to put  an end to Satan's manipulation of  humanity, and this consisted in the mystery of Christ.
Someone had to bring us humans news of God. God could not reveal himself to us in all his power, because otherwise he would have violated our freedom. God had to become human, he had to humble himself in all facets of humanity. Only then was it possible to bring news of his love to all people without manipulating their freedom. The work of redemption therefore consisted in God renouncing his omnipotence and humbling himself through the humanity of Jesus Christ. This enabled us to receive knowledge of God as our heavenly Father. In this way, the possibility was restored of being able to decide for or against God within the framework of our freedom - a possibility that Satan wanted to prevent.

If God had shown himself to us in his omnipotence and willingness to love directly recognisable to all people, directly without the "diversions" via Jesus as a human being, he would have manipulated our ability to decide, just as Satan did, only in the other direction. We humans would have had no choice then either. After recognising the power of God, we would never have been able to decide against him again. But God wanted us to be free in our decisions towards Him. 


When Satan, in his disregard for God's greatness and love, irreversibly distanced himself from God, the love originally inherent in his nature could only turn into hatred. Because Satan hates God, he persecuted Jesus with an unequalled hatred until his death.

Jesus had to suffer death on the cross. This execution was caused by an unsurpassable lack of love, and was a destruction of not only a human life, but even of God's own Son. The God of love and mercy humbled Himself by becoming human in an act of love that we cannot imagine; this is what divine love looks like. To stand by one's promise of freedom, even if one's own son is killed because of it, that is what divine faithfulness looks like. This act of absolute cruelty, which was carried out by human beings, was part of the vengeful plan of Satan, who remains unchallenged by God in his freedom.

On the cross Jesus experienced abysmal despair and he felt abandoned by his heavenly Father. In this moment of greatest pain and fear, it may have been in his human limitations that he was unaware of the consequence of the Father's love, a love and faithfulness that even towards Satan did not break the promise of freedom given. But God, out of love for us, did not disempower Satan even in the face of the death of his Son. He knew that by removing Satan‘s power, he would at the same time have destroyed man's freedom of choice. This is how far the love and faithfulness of the heavenly Father goes towards us human beings.

The original sin and the evil in the world originate from Satan who, in abusing his freedom, constantly tries to keep us away from God. He tried to prevent us from knowing about the Father's will and from obeying God in implement his kingdom of peace, love and justice already here on earth. His plan failed through the incarnation of Christ. Because Jesus was obedient to the Father's will even unto death, he redeemed us. Since we have now received knowledge of our loving Father through him, heaven has been opened to us by Jesus and the way there has been shown to us.

Through his death on the cross, Jesus also made an atoning sacrifice. He took upon himself the guilt, caused by Satan, of those people who had lived before Christ and to whom access to heaven had been closed until the time of Christ's incarnation. We may assume that this atonement also applies to those people who, through no fault of their own, never experienced anything of the Father's offer of love, so that they could not orientate their lives accordingly. God is just, and this is a gift of his justice.

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